In recent years, the program has faced financial instability and has needed last-minute infusions of money to fill financing gaps. But this year, the City Council raised the amount set aside for the program beyond what the mayor’s office had originally proposed, which was $8 million. Corey Johnson, the speaker of the City Council who had made additional funding for the program a priority, called the increase “a really big deal for creating more certainty and security moving forward for the organizations that do this work.” In recent years, the program has faced financial instability and has needed last-minute infusions of money to fill financing gaps. But this year, the City Council raised the amount set aside for the program beyond what the mayor’s office had originally proposed, which was $8 million. Corey Johnson, the speaker of the City Council who had made additional funding for the program a priority, called the increase “a really big deal for creating more certainty and security moving forward for the organizations that do this work.” In recent years, the program has faced financial instability and has needed last-minute infusions of money to fill financing gaps. But this year, the City Council raised the amount set aside for the program beyond what the mayor’s office had originally proposed, which was $8 million. Corey Johnson, the speaker of the City Council who had made additional funding for the program a priority, called the increase “a really big deal for creating more certainty and security moving forward for the organizations that do this work.” Der Beitrag NEW YORK’S EMERGENCY FOOD PROGRAM GETS MORE FUNDING, BUT WILL IT BE ENOUGH? erschien zuerst auf Bauer Konzepthaus GmbH.

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In recent years, the program has faced financial instability and has needed last-minute infusions of money to fill financing gaps. But this year, the City Council raised the amount set aside for the program beyond what the mayor’s office had originally pr

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