Ntombi Langa Womens radio for africa

Ntombi Langa Radio sees itself as a platform for women in southern Africa, where gender-sensitive topics are discussed in an open and loud voice. We want to encourage women to stand up for their rights and offer a platform to get information and organize. With the Ntombi Langa radio show, we want to bring topics that have been marginalized by the public media directly to the target group and move topics such as human rights, education, equality or self-determination to the center of society! Please tune to our radio! to get information beyond the conventional media and to find out what is happening in African countries.First Crowdfunding campaign: https://www.startnext.com/en/ntombilangaradio-de In between version with a new interview of Nomazulu: Second crowdfunding campaign: https://www.startnext.com/en/ntombi-langa-radio Der Beitrag Ntombi Langa Womens radio for africa erschien zuerst auf Indigo Sun • Film & Media Production, Palma de Mallorca.

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