Party like theres no tomorrow!

Well.. Ive known the lovely people of Gut Mönkhof for about seven or eight years now, even was there as a guest at the wedding of my dear friends Sophie Rene once but up until 2018 never had the chance to film a wedding there.. Ela and Cagdas were eager to change that and even flew me in from Vienna for their big day. Thanks again guys! That means a lot! :) Their big day started in a hotel downtown Lübeck, where Ela got ready in midst of a bunch of bridesmaids and Cagdas with his best men. From there we all drove to Gut Mönkhof to get the party started.. and what can I say. THEY KNOW HOW TO PARTY! but more on that later.. When we got the venue, we started with the bridal portrait session. Ah by the way, the photos were taken by none other than lovely Julia Bartelt. Thanks again for the awesome time we had making memories for those lovebirds! The moment Cagdas saw his Ela for the first time in her dress, he was blown away and the smile didnt leave his face for the whole day. But when you have such an emotional wedding ceremony and awesome friends around you, why would you stop smiling and being happy? I think having fun with their loved ones was definitely one of the highest priorities on their big day. There were some emotional speeches, rap performances and even a dance battle. If I had to describe the party Id say: it was the party to end all parties! But see for yourselves in the film below. :) The post Party like there’s no tomorrow! first appeared on Alper Tunc Films.

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