PraeLegals Banking and Financial Services Solution

Lending markets have experienced dramatic swings in activity over the past several years. In today’s environment, managing risks while taking a creative approach to pursuing opportunities has become an essential balancing act for those seeking to keep their business moving forward. Our independent Law and Consulting Firms have the deep market knowledge and decades of experience needed to provide effective and efficient leveraged finance solutions for complex transactions around the world. An Experienced Global Finance Team Our significant presence in these major financial centers and extensive deal flow enable us swiftly to advise our clients on shifts in market dynamics. We integrate our bank finance practice with our debt capital markets expertise to offer clients seamless execution in bank/bond structures, whether within a single jurisdiction or in cross-border transactions. Our professionals provide market insight and innovative solutions in all aspects of leveraged finance, from negotiations on covenants, to complex subordination and inter-creditor issues, to structuring acquisition transactions that utilize multiple layers of financing. We also have extensive experience in tender offers, exchange offers, and consent solicitations for high-yield bonds. Prae Legal represents leading financial institutions, mezzanine lenders, sponsors, issuers, and borrowers in a wide variety of acquisition finance and other leveraged finance transactions, including senior, subordinated, and mezzanine lending transactions; high-yield debt offerings; and bridge financings. In addition, we draw on the Firm’s global resources in tax, environmental, intellectual property, bankruptcy, and bank regulatory matters for the specialized expertise regularly required in many leveraged finance transactions. Full-Service Legal Counsel for Leveraged Finance Transactions Prae Legal Network’s Bank Finance  group comprises lawyers with leading expertise in the following areas: Asset-based loans Acquisition financings Bank regulatory matters Banking and Financial Regulation Bridge loans Capital Markets Offerings Consent solicitations Corporate Finance Convertible debt offerings Debtor-in-possession financings Exit financings High-yield debt offerings Investment Funds Inter-creditor negotiations Mezzanine financings Private Equity Preferred stock offerings Project Finance PPP – PFI Transactions Recapitalizations Secured and unsecured loans Security and Guarantees Securitisation and Factoring Structured Finance Tender offers/exchange offers The post PraeLegals Banking and Financial Services Solution appeared first on PraeLegal.

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