Risk falling, failing looking stupid

Risk falling, failing, or looking stupid while you try to pick the high hanging fruits up on the tree that is life. Don’t just pick the low hanging fruits if what you really desire is high up in the skinny branches that might crack and break. Fall in love with the process, the trying, the getting up again part, the days where it’s so hard, the moments you want to quit the most- these are the ones you will look back to. The defining moments that almost made you give up are the ones that bring you so much closer to your “goal”. Risk falling and if you do fall, get back up on your feet ? Its gonna be worth it. Share Der Beitrag Risk falling, failing looking stupid erschien zuerst auf boots & backpacks.

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Lexikoneintrag: Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS)

Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) ist ein Prinzip der Softwareentwicklung, das darauf abzielt, Lsungen so einfach und unkompliziert wie mglich zu gestalten. Es besagt, dass Sie keine unntig komplexen Lsungen oder Konstrukte verwenden sollten, wenn einfachere

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Head of Group Treasury & Risk Management (m/w/d)

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Extrema von Extrema

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2015 bis 2020

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Der Tod von Edmund II.

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