Rowing the Nile: A Soothing Respite in a Chaotic Metropolis

Ancient pharoahs rowed the Nile. Now Egyptians have rediscovered the practice, finding a new perspective on the river that shaped their country. The post Rowing the Nile: A Soothing Respite in a Chaotic Metropolis appeared first on PraeLegal.

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Schöne Pferde bei hochsommerlichen Temperaturen

Im sonnigen Thüringen fand in diesem Jahr erstmals auf dem Gestüt „Am Engerling“ bei Katrin König und Stefan Poppitz eine Prämienschau für Stuten und Fohlen des VZAP statt. Eingeladen hatten die beiden anlässlich ihres 30jährigen Gestütsjubiläums. Denn vo

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Feeling Stressed? Try the One Joke per Day Therapy

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New expert solutions for your old roof.

When it comes to remodeling an office, one of the most important aspects is painting. Any shade of paint can change the complete look of a room as a color has an ability to change a drab and boring room into a stunning one. Many people prefer to paint the

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Soleil 2023 Sonne? Aber sicher!

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Soleil 2023 Sonne? Aber sicher!

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