Run Shell Scripts as Lambda

Sometimes, developing a fully-fledged Lambda is not feasible, is too much work, or is simply outside of the knowledge domain of the people involved. But what if we could run plain Bash scripts instead?

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Safe Storage - CloudHSM and FSx for NetApp ONTAP (Part 1)

Sometimes, developing a fully-fledged Lambda is not feasible, is too much work, or is simply outside of the knowledge domain of the people involved. But what if we could run plain Bash scripts instead?

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Enhance Lambda Security with new Amazon Inspector Vulnerability Management and prevent log4jgate

Detect the crack in the window (or the lambda library) before it breaks: As we have seen during the last month, also well known libraries like log4j can have previously unknown vulnerabilities. Therefore scanning your Lambda application before deploying i

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Do you do Lambda Spaghetti?

Last week in the AWS slack developer channel once again, somebody was asking: “How can I run a Lambda locally?”. Well, that is a valid question, but there is a chance that you only think you need a local Lambda emulator because you do Lambda S

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Lambda - breaking Update - testen Sie ihre Lambdas mit binären Bibliotheken *jetzt* auf Kompatibilität!

Lambda - breaking Update - testen Sie Lambda mit binären Bibliotheken jetzt auf Kompatibilität! AWS hat gestern am 14.Mai angekündigt, dass die Laufzeitumgebung von Lambda aktualisiert wird auf Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03. Upcoming updates to the AWS Lambda

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Building an AWS Lambda Telemetry API extension for direct logging to Grafana Loki

In hybrid architectures, serverless functions work together with container solutions. Lambda logs have to be translated when you don`t choose CloudWatch Logs. The old way of doing this is through subscription filters using additional Lambda functions for

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