S3 Cross Account Adventures

Update October 2020 AWS has finally added a feature to solve our problem, now all that’s missing is CloudFormation support :-) Amazon S3 Object Ownership is available to enable bucket owners to automatically assume ownership of objects uploaded to their buckets In the process of building a data lake in a multi-account environment, we encountered a problem that didn’t fit into our existing mental model of how S3 and S3 cross account permissions work.

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Serverless Cross-Account Microservices

When setting up a microservice architecture, each individual service is often owned and managed by a different team. To achieve a higher level of resource isolation, and allow for more granular security and cost management, each service team usually deplo

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Cross Account Resource Access - Invalid Principal in Policy

Keeping accounts decoupled is important in cross account scenarios. Setting permissions in the wrong way can lead to unwanted behavior. Better avoid setting a principal in a resource policy to a specific ARN as it may lead to ‘Invalid Principal&rsqu

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Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 2

When discussing high performant real-time event streaming, Apache Kafka is a tool that immediately comes to mind. Optimized for ingesting and transforming real-time streaming data in a reliable and scalable manner, a great number of companies today rely o

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Cross Account Kafka Streaming: Part 1

When discussing high performant real-time event streaming, Apache Kafka is a tool that immediately comes to mind. Optimized for ingesting and transforming real-time streaming data in a reliable and scalable manner, a great number of companies today rely o

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Lada Vesta SW Cross

Testbericht. Lada Vesta SW Cross 1.6 Luxus Eleganter Russe bietet viel Auto für wenig Geld Von Petra Grünendahl Schick sieht er aus: Nicht modisch, sondern mit einer eher zeitlosen Eleganz. Der Lada Vesta Cross ist der Kombi (Vesta SW für Weiterlesen De

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