SAP TechEd goes DSAG-TechXchange: The Live Event for Practical SAP Experiences

Since 2021, SAP TechEd in Europe has been held exclusively virtually. But now, there is finally an opportunity to experience the proven hands-on formats in person again. The DSAG-TechXchange 2025 is the ultimate live event for SAP experts and development and operations (DevOps) enthusiasts to gain practical knowledge and experience innovative technologies in the SAP field. Join us on April 4, 2025, in Wiesbaden and benefit from deep, practical learning experiences that will help you elevate your technical skills to the next level. practical international Technoid Why DSAG-TechXchange 2025? The DSAG-TechXchange is the place where you can gain practical SAP experiences. This event offers a unique platform to engage directly with SAP development tools and environments. In our deep-dive and hands-on sessions, as well as the renowned Developer Garage, you can experience SAP technologies not just theoretically, but also practically. While SAP TechEd remains virtual, we provide participants with a unique, practice-oriented learning experience that is not possible online. This event is specifically designed for those who want to tackle technical challenges hands-on, rather than just discussing them. Here, you will work side by side with like-minded individuals and experienced experts to collaborate on real projects and gain practical knowledge. The TechXchange is another key event in the DSAG event portfolio. Learn more about our events and how you can benefit from them. Discover DSAG-Events International Focus and Community To enable the international SAP community to continue experiencing the in-person TechEd formats, the DSAG-TechXchange will be offered in English. Take this opportunity to become part of a global network of professionals who share the same passion for SAP technologies. Who Should Attend the DSAG-TechXchange? The event is designed for IT professionals such as developers, administrators, and UX experts who want to enhance their skills. It#8217;s also aimed at DevOps professionals seeking practical insights into SAP technologies and SAP architects. Additionally, the event is ideal for SAP developers looking to gain hands-on experience and expand their technical knowledge. Take the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals and solve technical problems directly on the system. Speaking of like-minded individuals: Are you looking for networking and exchange with people from the IT and SAP environment beyond the event? Here you can find all the information about our DSAG community and the benefits of membership. Information on DSAG-Memberships An Event That Makes a Difference The DSAG-TechXchange takes place immediately after the DSAG Technology Days. You can purchase a combination ticket or a single ticket. Participation in the virtual SAP TechEd is not required. This event is an independent opportunity to gain practical experience and network with other industry experts. Registration will be activated in fall 2024. Become part of the DSAG-TechXchange 2025, where the tradition of hands-on SAP events continues. Stay tuned for more information and take the chance to elevate your skills to the next level. Save the Date now! Der Beitrag SAP TechEd goes DSAG-TechXchange: The Live Event for Practical SAP Experiences erschien zuerst auf

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