Scaling Down EKS Clusters at night

Scaling down workloads at night or at the weekends is a common implementation task for companies building on AWS. By running only the applications that need to be available at any point in time, the total consumption of infrastructure resources can be reduced, and thus customers can benefit from the pay-by-use pricing models of cloud providers.

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Safe Storage - CloudHSM and FSx for NetApp ONTAP (Part 2)

In the first part of this blog, we looked into the complexities of provisioning and initializing CloudHSM clusters. To make our safe storage solution functional, we still need more steps: Activation and Connection.

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EKS Backup with Velero

Velero is a tool to backup the kubernetes cluster state and its persistent volumes. It can be used for disaster recovery or cluster migration. Please refer to the official documentation for a more comprehensive description of use cases. This article descr

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AdventureRooms on Tour am Alten Heizhaus in Dresden

Das Game Night Spiel kann jetzt gebucht werden Endlich ist es soweit. Ihr könnt die Rätsel der Game Night Vorpremiere spielen. Vom 05.04 bis 07.04.18 steht unser AdventureRooms on Tour Bus am “Alten Heizhaus Dresden”. Wir freuen uns sehr, unseren Schwarze

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Multi-AZ Block Storage for EKS - Solution Overview

Did you already encounter an application on EKS which does not perform well with EFS storage or which even needs dedicated block storage with multi-AZ capabilities? In this case, we have prepared something for you: We now support you with creating multi-A

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AdventureRooms on Tour im Game Night Fieber

Warner Bros. Entertainment macht aus unserem Bus einen wahren Spielertraum Spieleabende unter Freunden sind hoch im Kurs. So geht es auch dem Pärchen Max und Annie, welche eines Abends an einem ganz besonderen Gesellschaftsspiel teilnehmen dürfen. Gemeins

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