Sea Sun Technology participates on EGU General Assembly – 23-28. April 2023 in Vienna

We present our latest development of a towed instrument array together with our CDT- and Microstructure-Probes at the European Geoscience Union. The EGU General Assembly 2023 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. For all scientist investigating water, Sea & Sun Technology illustrates the use of the innovative towed instrument array (TIA). The TIA provides a lightweight and easy-to-use way to acquire 2D data, through a cross-section of a water body. The array consists of a flexible number of probes that transmit their data via an inductive coupling system on a single-core cable to a deck-unit. Probes with four sensors each can be positioned on the cable at variable distances. When lowering the system into the water, each probe is individually attached to the cable via a special clamping system. A depressor at the end of the cable pulls the cable with the probes down into the water. Each probe measures at a data rate of about 5 records per second, allowing detailed investigation of water column processes. The post Sea Sun Technology participates on EGU General Assembly – 23-28. April 2023 in Vienna appeared first on Sea & Sun Technology.

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