Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 2: AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda vs X-Ray SDK

We know how to follow traces with the X-Ray SDK. Now there is AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry claiming to do this better. Let’s build CDK examples for Lambda with TypeScript/Python/Go and find out who is the better spy in this game.

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Serverless Spy Vs. Spy Chapter 3: X-Ray vs Jaeger - Send Lambda traces with open telemetry

In modern architectures, Lambda functions co-exist with containers. Cloud Native Observability is achieved with open telemetry. I show you how to send open telemetry traces from Lambda to a Jaeger tracing server. Let’s see how this compares to the

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Serverless Spy Vs Spy Chapter 1: X-ray

There are several ways to perform espionage activities in the life of a serverless app, which all battle for your attention. Time for the advent of counterintelligence: We want answers! - And CDK/Source examples of how to use it! Here we go, Serverless sp

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The serverless kingslayer? - Migration from serverless to CDK

The serverless kingslayer? - Migration from serverless to CDK Last day I have been at a customer and suggested using the CDK for Infrastructure as code. He responded with a huge yes. He has worked his way through the CDK Intro Workshop aws-cdk-examples/ty

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Building an AWS Lambda Telemetry API extension for direct logging to Grafana Loki

In hybrid architectures, serverless functions work together with container solutions. Lambda logs have to be translated when you don`t choose CloudWatch Logs. The old way of doing this is through subscription filters using additional Lambda functions for

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Ruby Lambdas with Serverless

Ruby Lambdas with Serverless Support for Ruby was added on AWS Lambda end of November 2018, with support via the Serverless Framework landing on the same day.

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