Shih-Yuan wird von der Robert Bosch GmbH gefördert

Im Rahmen des IT-Stipendienprogramms auf hat die Robert Bosch GmbH mit dem IT-Stipendium for Women gleich 3 Stipendien vergeben. Shih-Yuan hat mit ihrer überragenden Bewerbung überzeugt und wird nun ein Jahr lang mit 100€ monatlich gefördert und erhält wertvolle Kontakte zu Bosch. Im planning to start writing my thesis soon and looking for a job after writing the thesis, and since the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence is a place Im very interested in.– Shih-Yuan IT-Talents: Hallo Shih-Yuan, herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem Stipendium der Robert Bosch GmbH. Stell dich doch den anderen IT-Talenten kurz vor. Hello, I am Shih-Yuan, an international master student from Friedrich-Aexander-Universität. I have a computer science background and am currently studying artificial intelligence, doing research related to reinforcement learning and deep learning. IT-Talents: Wieso glaubst du, hat sich Bosch für dich entschieden? First of all, I would like to say that I am really lucky to be selected from Bosch because there are many great IT women who are also competing for this sponsorship. However, I believe my passion for IT and my willingness to participate in a lot of research despite the difficulties was one of the reasons why I was chosen. Also, maintaining good grades while working on multiple projects per semester may have been a reason. Lastly, I have a clear goal for the future and I am gradually achieving it. IT-Talents: Kannst du dir eine weitere Zusammenarbeit über die Förderung hinaus vorstellen? Ist eine weitere Zusammenarbeit geplant? I can imagine further cooperation. Im planning to start writing my thesis soon and looking for a job after writing the thesis, and since the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence is a place Im very interested in. I would be honored to have a talk with the experts or have more cooperation! IT-Talents: Was hat dich an Bosch gereizt, dass du dich bei genau diesem Partnerunternehmen beworben hast? I applied to Robert Bosch GmbH first and foremost because of its good reputation. The companys culture is really attractive, as the employees are happy with their work-life balance. Secondly, the quality of the products is consistent and reliable. Product quality plays an important role in how people perceive a company. Third, Robert Bosch GmbH has a wide range of divisions covering a very broad range of topics such as the Internet of Things, industrial automation, and mobility. This also means that there are substantial resources and potential and puts it at the forefront of industrial development. IT-Talents: 100€ Förderung im Monat – was hast du mit der Unterstützung vor? Of course, with the recent increase in food and electricity prices, this money can cover more expenses than ever before each month. IT-Talents: Ist dir Bosch vor dem Stipendium bereits ein Begriff gewesen? Im sure everyone has heard of Bosch and knows that working and interning at Bosch is a dream come true for many students. I have also been reading details about the company through the official website and would like to learn more about the company if I get the chance. IT-Talents: Du studierst derzeit im M. Sc. Artificial Intelligence Computer Science and Information Engineering und M. Sc. Computational Engineering an der Friedrich-Aexander-Universität in Erlangen-Nürnberg. Wie gefällt dir das Studium? Würdest du es noch einmal beginnen? I studied M. Sc. Computational Engineering (CE) for two years at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) and then switched to M. Sc. Artificial Intelligence (AI). First about studying in CE, helped me build a complete knowledge of mathematics and information and gives students the freedom to choose their field of application. As for studying in AI, we can learn both symbolic and subsymbolic AI. In addition to that, they also offer courses in neuroscience or AI applications. Although this is a new major that appeared in our university only last year, they offer a comprehensive curriculum that builds a solid background in AI for students. In order to graduate, we need to do two more projects to gain practical experience. There are many AI-related directions of projects to choose from, as our university has many collaborations with companies or hospitals. I am very happy to study in this program and I would like to recommend students to study AI at FAU. IT-Talents: Was sind deine Pläne in den nächsten Monaten, hast du ein besonderes Projekt, das du verwirklichen möchtest? I hope to find a suitable topic for my masters thesis and start writing it in November. In particular, I would like to focus on autonomous driving, deep learning, or reinforcement learning. Der Sponsor dieses Stipendiums Robert Bosch GmbH Als führender Anbieter im Internet der Dinge (IoT) bietet Bosch innovative Lösungen für Smart Home, Industrie 4.0 und Connected Mobility. Bosch verfolgt die Vision einer nachhaltigen, sicheren und begeisternden Mobilität. Mit seiner Kompetenz in Sensorik, Software und Services sowie der eigenen IoT-Cloud ist das Unternehmen in der Lage, seinen Kunden vernetzte und domänenübergreifende Lösungen aus einer Hand anzubieten. Strategisches Ziel der Bosch-Gruppe sind Lösungen und Produkte für das vernetzte Leben, die entweder über künstliche Intelligenz (KI) verfügen oder mit ihrer Hilfe entwickelt oder hergestellt werden. Mit innovativen und begeisternden Produkten sowie Dienstleistungen verbessert Bosch weltweit die Lebensqualität der Menschen. Bosch bietet „Technik fürs Leben“. Videos von YouTube werden aus Gründen des Datenschutzes erst angezeigt, wenn die Entsprechenden Cookies akzeptiert wurden. 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