Simplify your code and save money with Lambda Event Filters

In this post I’m going to explore how the new event filters in AWS Lambda can be used to implement the data model for a video streaming website in DynamoDB. I’ll explain why this feature makes your code simpler and allows you to save money in the process.

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Lambda SQS Event Filters may delete your messages if youre not careful

Lambda Event filters are a great addition to our serverless toolbox and allow us to both simplify our code as well as save money. That’s great, but they can also delete messages from your SQS-queues if you’re note careful. In this post I&rsquo

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The cuckoo egg testing lambda

Oh, there is an error in my Lambda function. But - what is the event JSON input which caused the error? Oh, I forgot to log the event in my Lambda code. Damned! It would be great to swap the code with a “just dump the event code” and slip it l

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The Same for everyone: Lambda Function *and* Code with the same language via AWS CDK

The AWS CDK has been presented on reInvent 2018. Its mission is to simplify develop infrastructure as code. There are several other frameworks, as discussed here on the blog in tRick. So there are some competitors… Can you use shiny new CDK also fo

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Do you do Lambda Spaghetti?

Last week in the AWS slack developer channel once again, somebody was asking: “How can I run a Lambda locally?”. Well, that is a valid question, but there is a chance that you only think you need a local Lambda emulator because you do Lambda S

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Building an AWS Lambda Telemetry API extension for direct logging to Grafana Loki

In hybrid architectures, serverless functions work together with container solutions. Lambda logs have to be translated when you don`t choose CloudWatch Logs. The old way of doing this is through subscription filters using additional Lambda functions for

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