Skandal um Buch der Ethnien in Afghanistan

Ich probiere mal eine komplizierte Geschichte, mit einfachen Worten zu beschreiben: Stellen Sie sich vor Sie seien Präsident von Afghanistan und wollten ihr Land wieder in rechte Bahnen lenken und wissen zudem auch, wie wichtig es ist, die verschiedenen Ethnien des Landes dafür zusammenzuführen und zu einen, um eine positive Zukunft für ihr Land gestalten zu können. Dafür stellen Sie ein Team von Wissenschaftlern zusammen, das die Geschichte der einzelnen Volksgruppen erforschen und und in einem Buch zusammenstellen soll. Als das Buch fertig ist, stellen Sie fest, dass die Wissenschaftler über eine Ethnie Dinge zusammengetragen haben, die selbige auf die Palme bringt. Daraufhin entheben sie das Team einfach des Amtes und lassen sie beim Generalstaatsanwalt antanzen und behaupten (ihre eigenen Wissenschaftler, die sie ja berufen haben), sie versuchten angeblich Unruhe und Uneinigkeit unter den Volksgruppen zu stiften. Deshalb kommt es zu Protesten und Beschwerden im Parlament. Verschiedene Politiker fordern die Bestrafung der Wissenschaftler, Ermittlungen werden gestartet. Die Medien berichten über diesen Skandal rauf und runter Und? Werden Sie jetzt fragen. Was ist schon dabei? Wenn Sie dann aber erfahren, dass der Präsident jetzt schon dabei ist, Stimmen für die nächste Präsidentschaftswahl an Land zu ziehen, weil sein Bruder als Kandidat antreten will, dann bekommt die Geschichte ein ganz anderes Geschmäckle. Die durch das Buch aufgebrachte Volksgruppe bringt natürlich massig Wählerstimmen zusammen. So geschehen gestern in Afghanistan. Der Präsident hätte natürlich die fälschlichen Darstellungen der Wissenschaftler gerade rücken können, sie meinetwegen entlassen können und gut ist es. Er tut es aber nicht und beschwört nun einen künstlichen Skandal herauf, der zeigt wie niederträchtig es hinter den Kulissen der Macht in Kabul zugeht. Dies ist nur ein Beispiel dafür, dass bereits jetzt vor dem Abzug der westlichen Streitkräfte, ein geschichtsträchtiger Volksgruppenstreit am Hindukusch wieder aufzuflammen droht, der das Land schon Jahrzehnte in Kriege verwickelt hat. Präsident Karsai auf einer Pressekonferenz mit den vier Entlassenen Wissenschaftlern Hier nun die Originalquellen zur Geschichte: A judicial meeting chaired by President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday held an in-depth discussion over the recent publication by Afghanistan Academy of Science of a book known as the Atlas of Ethnography of Afghan  ethnicities, where Hazara ethnic groups has in particular been offended and insulted. Following an examination and review of the controversial book, the President ordered as per Article 64 of the Constitution the dismissal of the following individuals for insulting the Hazara population: 1. Abdul Bari Rashed, head of Afghanistan Academy of Sciences; 2. Sayd Mohammad Amin Mujahed, head of Secretariat of the Academy; 3. Abdul Hakim Safi, director of Center for Social Sciences; and 4. Nasrullah Sobman, deputy director for Social Sciences. The meeting also tasked the Attorney General Office to investigate and bring to justice all those who, disguised as researchers, are involved in insulting and disparaging ethnicities. The President said, “The content of the book is grossly offensive and considered an insult to all the resident ethnicities and thus the entire Afghan population.” President Karzai instructed the Attorney General Office to immediately begin investigations. (Fundstelle Presseberichte: Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Wednesday sacked four academics from a leading research centre over a book that sparked fury for reportedly insulting the Hazara ethnic group. The head of the Afghanistan Academy of Science and three other scholars were dismissed and referred to the attorney generals office for questioning, Karzais office said in a statement. The Ethnographic Atlas of the Tribes of Afghanistan, published recently, reportedly described Hazaras as liars, stubborn, violent and anti-Islamic, prompting outrage from Hazara politicians. (mehr dazu hier) Hazara people criticized the publish of the book and said the articles published in the book was humiliating and is unacceptable. Mohammad Mohaqiq (sh. such hier) an Afghan parliament member and head of the Isalmic Unity Party of Afghanistan on Sunday said the Hazara people was described as “stubborn, pitiless and lier” in the book and the articles in the book also stated that the Hazara people have deep enmity among themselves. (mehr bei Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, leader of the Afghanistan People’s Unity Party, one of the main Hazara political factions, condemned the book and called for the authors to be punished. Asadullah Sahdati, an MP from the Hazara-majority central province of Deh Kondi, condemned the book. “The book contains non-scientific contents, and in some parts is childish. We welcome the move by the president sacking those behind it,” he told AFP. However, he said he did not want to see the book banned. “I want this book to be circulated, distributed to all Afghans, especially to every Hazara, so they understand the situation and the (hostile) feeling towards them,” he said. (weiter bei On Tuesday, Karzai sacked Academy Director Abdul Bari Rashed and three researchers Syed Mohammad Amin Mujahid, Abdul Hakim Sapi and Nasrullah Sobman and referred them to the Attorney General Office. Addressing a news conference in Kabul, Deputy Attorney General Inayatullah Kamal acknowledged that parts of the book were derogatory to the Hazara community. The parts might have been written intentionally or mistakenly, he said. It was a plot to divide Afghanistan’s tribes, Kamal alleged, saying: “The enemies of the country’s unity, who are outside Afghanistan, are involved in the conspiracy. However, Rashed denied any plot or foreign influence, urging the AGO to comment on the basis of credible documents. “We won’t let one institution insult another. Mistakes in the book, if any, can be corrected.” He did admit that the collection contained some errors that could be rectified without the involvement of other departments. When the issue was shared with him, Rashid appointed a 13-member team to probe the objectionable parts. The findings show the book contained the personal opinion of at least one author, according to the director, who said the delegation had suggested the writer be fired and the copies sold collected and re-edited. While respecting President Karzai’s decision, he said such cases be investigated by academic institutions because courts and prosecution offices were incapable of probing them. But the academy’s secretary, Amin Mujahid, defended his work. “Whatever I have written is based on sources and references. I call this a service to the people,” he said. If my information sources are inaccurate, why the book was allowed to be printed?” he asked. Of the 1,000 copies published by the Shoaib Printing Press, three have been missing, Kamal said, adding that 629 copies were distributed to scholars and writers. The academy has promised collecting and submitting the books to AGO. (Fundstelle

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