Sponsor for Muhammad wanted

Muhammad (12 years old) lives with his parents and three older siblings in Naga Garmele in the El Kobania municipality. His father is a motorboat driver for tourists and his earnings are below the Egyptian subsistence level. He attends secondary school in Aswan and is a very smart boy. He loves to learn and wants to complete his studies to become a doctor one day. His wish is to help the sick poor people in his village in this way.

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Sponsor for Hudhaifa wanted

Hudhaifa (11 years old) lives with his parents and two sisters in the municipality of El Kobania. His father is ill and diabetic. As a result, he cannot work regularly and the little he earns from his work in tourism is not enough to live on. Hudhaifa is

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Sponsor for Khadija wanted

Khadija (6 years old) is Hudhaifas younger sister. She lives with her parents, brother and sister in the municipality of El Kobania. Her father is ill and diabetic. As a result, he cannot always work and the little he earns from his work in tourism is not

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Sponsor for Suzan wanted

Suzan (14 years old) lives in the community of El Kobania. She lives with her mother and four sisters. Her father died a year ago, leaving the family destitute. He was an agricultural labourer (fellache) and his two eldest daughters had to drop out of sch

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GOD mbH offizieller Sponsor des walk4help

Die United Kids Foundation engagiert sich seit über 10 Jahren für bedürftige und benachteiligte Kinder in der Region Braunschweig-Wolfsburg. In zahlreichen Projekten widmen sie sich einer ganzen Reihe von Themen. Dazu zählen vorrangig Armutsbekämpfung und

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Become a fruit forest garden sponsor in Sri Lanka!

The permaculture project Fruit Forest Garden in Sri Lanka was launched by Benjamin Schreyer and his Sinhalese wife Anusha. The main plot was bought in 2008 when Benjamin decided to emigrate permanently to Sri Lanka and live here as a self-supporter. Initi

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