Succesfull trials in Hungary

Succesfull trials in Hungary executed in 2022 on winter oilseed rape, winter wheat, sunflower and maize crops showed yields increases of up to 65%. For more information on the trials reports and how we can be assistance for you please contact us The post Succesfull trials in Hungary appeared first on Aminocore.

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Successful trials and registration in Hungary

Successful trials and registration in Hungary Official trials executed on a variety of crops in Hungary have proven the efficiency of aminocore complex. This has resulted in the registration of aminocore complex in Hungary. For more information or

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Successful trials on Soy and Corn

Successful trials on Soy and Corn Independent trials in Brazil have shown that applying Aminocore on Soy and Corn has lead to an increase in yield of more than 16%. For more information and the detailed trial report please contact us. The p

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Registration trials in Mexico

Registration trials in Mexico have shown that the repeated foliar application of 3L/ha AMINOCORE COMPLEX on strawberries resulted in an increase in fruit weight of 32.91% and a total increase of yield of 62.28%. For more information and the detail

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Trials on beans in Brazil

Trials on beans in Brazil have shown that the repeated application of aminocore products give an increase in yield of up to 4.3 bags of beans per hectare which is an average increase of 6.3%. Interested in finding out more please contact us

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2020/21 trials on Sugar cane in Brazil

2020/21 trials on Sugar cane in Brazil on more than 32 different varieties of sugar cane. The total area involved was >100,000ha in 5 Brazilian states. During this period the average production of sugar cane (TCH) in these states was 85MT/ha. O

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