Thai Deans for Change – Study visit to University of Potsdam

Thai Deans for Change was the theme of a study visit by 30 deans from Thailand to Berlin and Potsdam from 10th to 16th June, 2012. The Thai Deans for Change Programme is a cooperation of DAAD and HRK and the Knowledge Network Institute of Thailand (KNIT) and the German Centre for Higher Education (CHE). The programme provides an excellent platform to share examples of good practice in the field of higher education and professional management of universities.

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TrainIQA 2016-18: High Level Visit in Potsdam

From 7th to 11th November 2016, the third ASEAN-QA TrainIQA phase started with a High Level Visit in Potsdam, Germany. The training aims at professionalising quality managers at Southeast Asian universities and to support them in their endeavor to build

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Second TrainIQA Workshop 2017 in Potsdam

The second workshop of the current ASEAN-QA TrainIQA training took place from 24 July 2017 until 1 August 2017 in Potsdam, Germany. The workshop focused on the evaluation process and on method training as well as the individuell projects of the participan

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Start of the new ASEAN-QA Training

From 17th to 21st November 2014, the ASEAN-QA High Level Information Visit was held in Potsdam, Germany. During the five days visit, 32 Presidents and Vice Presidents coming from universities from nine different Southeast Asian countries came together to

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ASEAN-QA ONLINE FORUM 2020 Series 2 - Learning from the Learners

The second event of the Online Forum Series 2020 with the topic "Going Digital: Learning from the Learners" will take place on the 27th August 2020, at 2:00 PM (Bangkok/Jakarta time/ GMT +7) via Zoom. This time, we will listen to the voice of our learner

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Aufruf des Bündnisses „Potsdam! bekennt Farbe“ für ein tolerantes und weltoffenes Potsdam

Die BBAG ist Mitglied des Bündnisses „Potsdam! bekennt Farbe“ und hat sich an der Erarbeitung beteiligt. Dabei ist der vorliegende Aufruf zu gemeinsamen Anstrengungen für ein tolerantes und weltoffenes Potsdam auch als Kompromisspapier vieler beteiligter

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