The Manifest Crowns Ascendro Technologies as one of the Most Reviewed Staff Augmentation Companies in Romania

Finding high-quality talents and employees for your business is one of the integral parts of your scaling plans. That is why in order to find the best people for your company, it is integral to partner with an experienced and professional staff augmentation agency. Thankfully, Ascendro Technologies is here to help you with your development staff needs! Ascendro Technologies is a group of experienced computer programmers. We work closely with your organization to create, build, and run software solutions that help your business grow. We are proud of our ability to understand problems and find the correct answers. Today, we are executed to share with all of you that our hard work has blossomed into an amazing award. We’ve been named by The Manifest as one of the most-reviewed staff augmentation companies in Romania. In case you are wondering, The Manifest is a business blog website that aims to gather and verify the hard data, expert insights, and actionable advice that you need to build your brand and grow your business – to provide the practical business wisdom that manifests in your success. Being ranked among the best B2B services providers in Romania is amazing! This accolade will surely be one of the highlights of our year and it is thanks to you. Yes, you, our amazing clients. Thank you for supporting us and for helping us bag this incredible award. Here is our CEO Tiberiu Popa to receive this award: “Enduring diligence stands as a testament to this accomplishment. Its a reflection of the unwavering commitment and the countless hours invested in the pursuit of excellence. Such achievements are not mere coincidences; they are the direct result of steadfast dedication and a relentless drive to overcome challenges. Every step taken, every obstacle faced, has led to this moment, showcasing that perseverance, in the end, always shines through. Happy to be nominated!” UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("row-unique-33")); The post The Manifest Crowns Ascendro Technologies as one of the Most Reviewed Staff Augmentation Companies in Romania appeared first on Ascendro.

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