The secrets of creating images for petite girls

Miniature girls have a lot of advantages, but you can always hear from them that they would like to look a little taller. A properly chosen image will do the job perfectly. We tell you what clothes you should choose for girls of short stature to look taller and slimmer. SilhouetteMiniature girls should keep in mind the proportions of the figure when composing images. For example, a T-shirt that is not tucked in can violate the proportions and it will seem that the figure is wider than it is. Emphasis on the waist is important. It can be done with the help of: high-waisted skirts and pants straps fitted silhouettes. Many petite girls would like to look taller. To do this, you can resort to some stylish tricks: Shoes with a heel is better to choose in the tone of the skin, so that the shoes were as if an extension of the leg A couple of visual centimeters will give a long cardigan. Jackets on the contrary, it is better to choose a long waist-length PrintsIs it possible to look taller with the help of prints? Yes, you can! We tell you how: For petite girls, you should pay attention to the vertical stripes. By the way, it is now in the trend. However, not all stripes add to the height. Too wide stripes can negate the effort. Choose thinner stripes. Avoid contrast. The fact is that contrasting colors can visually divide the figure into two parts. This is not something that is necessary for girls of a small stature. It is better to pay attention to monochrome Lifecycles .If the goal of the image is not only to look stylish, but also visually taller, you should try the following combinations: Long pants + cami. Then the pants will cover the shoes and it will seem that the legs are infinitely longer. An elongated jacket. It visually elongates the figure. No oversize. Unfortunately, but a petite figure it will only nail to the ground. If you really want to over-size, it is necessary to accentuate it, so that the figures contours would be clear. Clothing with a V-neck. Such a neckline defines the structure of the image and makes it vertical, which in turn is important for those who want to look taller. (It also makes the breasts look more seductive). The post The secrets of creating images for petite girls appeared first on 1.3 Wonder-Land.

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