The Warehouse Engineering Podcast #2: Yegor Anchyshkin (Instock)

Im excited to share with you my conversation with industry expert and serial entrepreneur, Yegor Anchyshkin. Yegor is co-founder and CEO of Instock, a warehouse automation company that does things in a unique way. He also co-founded CartFresh, and Viewdle, and he was the CTO of Takeoff Technologies, a pioneer in microfulfillment systems. We talk about a wide range of topics, including the benefits of operating in stealth mode, the economics of microfulfillment centers, fire safety in automated warehouses, and the sad state of software in the warehouse automation industry. The Warehouse Engineering Podcast #2 with Yegor Anchyshkin Since our conversation is quite long, I have picked out a few topics for individual clips: Why Microfulfillment Centers dont make sense: Fire safety concept of Instock and the challenges of cube storage systems with fire safety: (and you might be interested in my article on oxygen reduction systems) The sad state of software in the warehouse automation industry: Why Instock decided to operate in stealth mode for the first three years: Applications of artificial intelligence in warehouse automation: I hope you will enjoy the conversation! Der Beitrag The Warehouse Engineering Podcast #2: Yegor Anchyshkin (Instock) erschien zuerst auf Dr. Beer Management & Logistik.

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