This is going to make thousands of kids happier and you can help

I rarely come on here at the moment. Its not a planned thing, its a time thing. Juggling various different projects (all of which I love, but all of which take time!), working many hours a week, leaves little time to create the type of content on here that Id like. But I couldnt let this month pass by without mentioning one of the big things Ive been working on away from this blog, and begging you to help. Last year I launched the #FreeFromDiets campaign, a campaign to end diet promo around schools and kids clubs. If youre interested in finding out more, we have a whole website packed with information, resources and details about our various projects. It started off as one lone, miffed mum and evolved into a whole movement. But this means nothing if we dont see change, which is where the next phase of the campaign comes in. And thats why were launching a crowdfunder campaign to raise money to fund a series of workshops and free resources for teachers and youth workers, to help navigate the tricky subject of body image with the children in their care. The idea is, if we can create change from the inside and eradicate any diet culture within schools then hopefully fewer ads for diet clubs and weight loss services will appear on school railings and in childrens book bags in the first place. These workshops and free resources would be delivered at the same time as we work on the ASA and the powers at the top to change the rules around this stuff so that, hopefully one day, huge adverts for diet brands plastered on school railings and on the walls of kids clubs will be thing of the past. You can donate as little as £1 and it really does make all the difference. To donate just go here. To change the amount you need to click on the donate option and then you can put in a figure when you enter your bank details. Weve got a printable reward for anyone who donates £5 or more a Body Happy Kids: My Week of Body Love printable calendar packed with evidence based activities, mantras and mindfulness exercises to boost your kids body image. Just send us a screenshot of your donation and (either via DM on social media I am @mollyjforbes on Twitter and Instagram) or via email via the campaign contact us page, and we will send you your prize! Weve already recruited a teacher to design and deliver the workshops and we have supporters with medical and therapeutic expertise to sign off on it. So now we just need the money to do it all. Can you help? Donate as little as £1 today. THANK YOU. It really will make a difference. DONATE HERE The post This is going to make thousands of kids happier and you can help appeared first on Mothers Always Right.

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