Three countries, one aim: rethinking European energy security

Energy security is a key component of NATO’s security architecture. The disruption of energy supplies — as experienced since the unprovoked and unjustified Russian invasion of Ukraine — led to price volatility, supply shortages, and security concerns about critical infrastructure. The societal, strategic, and financial ramifications of such economic uncertainty can undermine the stability and security of Allies, and therefore analyzing tendencies of the global energy transition should be a cornerstone of NATO’s strategy for strengthening the resilience of members’ energy sectors. YATA Germany, YATA Hungary, and YATA Spain cordially invited everyone interested in the topic for an expert-level discussion about the geopolitical implications of current tendencies with an outlook on how NATO and its member states should adapt to the new challenges. Speakers: Michael Ruehle: Head, Climate and Energy Security Section Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO.Ana Valle: Energy Security Analyst and PhD at European Security and Defence College.Tamas Csiki Varga: Expert, Transatlantic Security and Defense, University of Public Service of Hungary. Maria Pastukhova: Senior Policy Advisor, Energy Diplomacy, E3G Berlin.

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