Time for Wannados Fresh year, fresh ink!

Unsere Resident Sajo Suriel hat hier ein paar WannaDos zusammengestellt, die ihr für euch erobern könnt. Seid schnell; jedes Motiv wird nur einmal tätowiert. WannaDo Vorschläge für zukünftige WannaDo-Tage sind auch immer willkommen.

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Features that buyers have come to expect

There are so many good reasons to communicate with site visitors. Tell them about sales and new products or update them with tips and information.

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Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Fall Waldorf Frommer Abmahnung

Die Kanzlei Waldorf Frommer wirft laut des Abmahnschreibens dem Anschlussinhaber vor, dass über dessen Internetanschluss der urheberrechtlich geschützte TV Spielfilm „Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life – Fall“ mittels einer Filesharing-Software unerlaubt w

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Is a negative ROI acceptable when acquiring new customers?

In our last article we talked about the importance of differentiating new from already existing customers. We used the example of a SEA Ad as an illustration. We differentiated new and returning customers and calculated a negative ROI for the newly acquir

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In the year 2020

It was the year 2020, when a terrible crisis in the form of a viral disease afflicted all of humankind. This virus caused fear, terror, and great hardship. From now on, every new day was different than the day before. The wealthy people didn’t know what w

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The 7 Phases of becoming an Energy Being, incl. the Psychedelic Shortcut

The transpersonal realm offers countless methods from different traditions how to transform, from a human being, bound by the density of the 3-dimensional physical plane into a magical, joyful and creative energy being. According to Einstein, there are pr

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