TutoTools: PDF Classifier + Making-of

PDFs mit Wasserzeichen versehen - mit selbst zusammengeschraubter GUI und dem Open-Source-Tool pdfmark. Natürlich mit AutoHotkey ;) Der Beitrag TutoTools: PDF Classifier + Making-of von Mirco Lang erschien zuerst auf Tutonaut.de.

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Making logistics smarter

Talking in Bangkok about smart logistics. Der Beitrag Making logistics smarter erschien zuerst auf BAUR & COMPANY.

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TV-Werbespot Making of KIDDINX

Für Regisseur Mark Feuerstake (Feuerstake Film) drehte ich im März die neuen TV-Werbespots für KIDDINX. Gedreht wurde in einem Atelier in Düsseldorf. Das hierbei entstandene Making of gibt einen kleinen Einblick hinter die Kulissen.

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HHL Hacks: Alumni Tips for Making the Most of Your Studies

The best piece of advice always comes from someone who´s been in your shoes and managed to deal with the situation successfully. That´s why we are sharing the experience and tips from one of our full-time MSC-alumni, Marvin: there´s surely a lot to learn

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Ask the AI: Can you name three popular serial communications testing tools for Windows? Can you give me an overview of each of them?

Applies to: Docklight and Docklight Scripting (all versions), Article ID: dl_faq107 # EDITORS NOTE: This is a ChatGPT answer from 2023/07.# Sure, heres a brief overview of each of the three popular serial communication testing tools for Windows: RealTerm

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Girls` Day 2023 Promoting and motivating the next generation in the industry

The German action day, Girls`Day 2023 at our office. It is a nationwide career orientation day with the focus on making STEM subjects more popular an better known. As a voice AI comany we gave children insights into the world of programming with artifical

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