Use the CDK to trigger your Lambda function in sub-minute intervals

In this post I’ll show you how to trigger your Lambda functions in intervals smaller than a minute using StepFunctions and the CDK.

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CDK Lambda Deployment takes about a minute - how about sub second Function Code Deployment?

CDK Lambda Deployment takes about a minute - how about sub second Function Code Deployment? Creation of Lambda infrastructure with the CDK is really powerful. Updating the Function code is really slow. Here is a fix for that to get to a sub-second Lambda

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Call SAP RFC Function Modules from AWS Lambda using the NW RFC SDK and Node.js

SAP provides the SAP NetWeaver RFC SDK to allow external systems to call SAP Systems directly via SAP RFC. I will walk you through the steps it took me to deploy a function on AWS Lambda that uses the NW RFC SDK. Once you mastered those, you could use it

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Putting the database to sleep using Lambda - a Python developers first contact with Golang

In this blog, I take you along on my journey to build my first Golang-based Lambda function. Inspired by surprise on my RDS bill, I built a Lambda function in Go to periodically stop running databases with a specific tag. Come, learn and debug with me!

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The cuckoo egg testing lambda

Oh, there is an error in my Lambda function. But - what is the event JSON input which caused the error? Oh, I forgot to log the event in my Lambda code. Damned! It would be great to swap the code with a “just dump the event code” and slip it l

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The Same for everyone: Lambda Function *and* Code with the same language via AWS CDK

The AWS CDK has been presented on reInvent 2018. Its mission is to simplify develop infrastructure as code. There are several other frameworks, as discussed here on the blog in tRick. So there are some competitors… Can you use shiny new CDK also fo

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