Using Permission Boundaries to balance Security and Developer Productivity

There is a conflict between developer freedom and the requirements of security teams. In this post we’ll look at one approach to address this tension: permission boundaries. They’re an often overlooked part of IAM, but provide a valuable addition to our security toolkit.

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IAM Conditions - Force providing specific tags during resource creation

We can use permissions boundaries to give developers and teams more freedom to create their own resources. For forcing them to provide specific tags during resource creation, we need a deeper understanding of how this can be achieved. We talk about the ex

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The declarative vs imperative Infrastructure as Code discussion is flawed

“Infrastructure definition has to be declarative”. Let’s see where this presumption gets us. My guess why some ops guys prefer pure terraform or CloudFormation is that these languages seem to be easier to understand. There is precisely o

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Create issues in Jira from Security Hub findings

AWS Security Hub allows you to get and manage an aggregated view of security findings in your AWS Accounts. Different companies require to have all findings tracked within their issue-tracking system, like Jira. Manual interaction is out, so let’s a

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Streamline Security Group Maintenance in Terraform with Markdown Tables

Managing security groups and their rules in AWS infrastructure can become cumbersome and error-prone as your environment grows. In this blog post, I introduce a Terraform solution that simplifies this process by using a Markdown table to define security g

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Serverless Cross-Account Microservices

When setting up a microservice architecture, each individual service is often owned and managed by a different team. To achieve a higher level of resource isolation, and allow for more granular security and cost management, each service team usually deplo

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