Open Letter to our Ukraine colleagues on occasion of one-year aggression by Russia against Ukraine We convey our full solidarity with Ukraine and express our highest respect to our Ukraine colleagues. We would like to stress the importance that courts are operating also in times of war. By way of example, the prosecution of war crimes remains in many cases at a national level. Furthermore, court operations are important in order to ensure immediate recourse in case of fundamental human rights violations and as well to show the functioning of a democratic state by doing justice providing guarantees of a fair trial. Thus, it is essential that court operations be maintained during conflict situations, as we see now in this terrible war and our Ukraine colleagues play a central role in upholding the rule of law by fulfilling their judicial duties. Their courage and dedication must be highly praised! Courage and dedication are important characteristics for a judge. Our best wishes to you all and be assured of our full support and solidarity! In the name of our members, thousands administrative judges: Holger Böhmann Vice-President Rasa Ragulskyte-Markoviene Vice-President Evgenia Papadopoulou Vice-President Sylvain Mérenne Vice-President David Rabenschlag Pre-elected Vice-President Edith Zeller President
AQAS would like to inform you about the statement of the ENQA board and the BFUG on the invasion of Ukraine and their measures taken. AQAS fully supports the statement of ENQA.
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