Version 0.4 of Open Source spell checker released

Version 0.4 of Open Source spell checker released Berlin, Dec 08, 2008 Version 0.4 of JOrtho, the Open Source Java spell checker brings many bug fixes and new features: Added an Icon for the dialogs. This only works with Java 6. Pressing ENTER and creating a new paragraph has not been handled correctly by the highlighter.

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Version 0.3 of Open Source spell checker released

Version 0.3 of Open Source spell checker released Berlin, March 11, 2008 Version 0.3 of JOrtho, the Open Source Java spell checker brings lots of corrections and new features: Use mouse position and not cursor position in text for suggestions.

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JOrtho Language Package 2010-09

JOrtho Language Package 2010-09 Berlin, Sep 21, 2010 The open source spell checking library JOrtho has been updated with newly created dictionaries. Download The dictionaries are available for download from the Open Source hosting at SourceFor

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Open Source Large Language Models

Was verbirgt sich hinter dem Begriff Open Source und warum sind Open-Source-Sprachmodelle eigentlich so wichtig? In meinem Blog-Beitrag beantworte ich diese Fragen und stelle euch drei wichtige Open-Source-Large-Language-Modelle näher vor.

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i-net JOrtho 1.0

i-net JOrtho 1.0 Berlin, Mar 19, 2013 Our spell-checking library i-net JOrtho has been released with version 1.0 These are the changes for the 1.0 release: The method SpellChecker.isDictionaryLoaded() was added. The dictionary is now reloa

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New languages for JOrtho

New languages for JOrtho Berlin, Jun 16, 2010 The spell checking package JOrtho now speaks Croatian and Dutch. In addition, some minor bug fixes have been added. Download The dictionaries are available for download from the Open Source hosting

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