What is a Quantum Ledger Database?

This blog introduces you to a database that solves an interesting niche problem: Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB). We’ll get to the service later, but first, I’m going to set the stage by describing a problem that the service can solve. I’m going to tell you a story - not my own story but one that happened to a colleague. That story made me understand where QLDB-like systems could be beneficial.

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What is Amazon Ion, and how can I read and write it in Python?

Amazon Ion is a data serialization format that was open-sourced by Amazon in 2016 and is used internally at the company. Over time it has also been introduced into some AWS services and is the data format that services like the Quantum Ledger Database (QL

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Hands on: Migrating from PostgreSQL to MySQL with the AWS Database Migration Service (DMS)

Database migrations can be a complex and time consuming task. This is particularly true for heterogeneous database migrations. Today we will see how the AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) can be a life saver for both homogeneous and heterogeneous migrat

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Version Control your Database on AWS using Flyway

Proper version control is an essential part of a fast-paced, agile development approach and the foundation of CI/CD. Even though databases are an important aspect of nearly every application, database migrations, and schema evolutions are often not versio

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Calculating AWS DocumentDB Storage I/Os

Amazon DocumentDB is a fully managed native JSON document database that is mostly compatible with MongoDB. Why mostly? Because it it has a few functional differences from MongoDB and some MongoDB features are not supported. Despite from these limitation,

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First Steps with Amazon Braket SDK

In this article, we will install and deploy a circuit with a Bell State using AWS Braket SDK. Some minimal knowledge requirements are expected from the reader, namely concepts such as: Qubit, Superposition, Quantum Logical Gates (and a bit of math by asso

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