What is On-Job-Training (OJT)

Introduction Firstly, OJT should not be confused with Practical Training which is conducted by Part-147 organisations. (Guidance for this is covered under CAP1529 Part 147 Practical Training Guidance). OJT is a supervised event rather than an instructed one and should include one to one supervision and involve actual work task performance on aircraft/components, covering line and/or base maintenance tasks. The completion of the pre-agreed tasks should be in a log book format, issued by the approved organisation to the student and carried out under the direct supervision of an engineer approved to complete the tasks. These tasks constitute further ‘type contact’ to consolidate the Theory and Practical training and to gain experience in performing safe maintenance on their first type in each subcategory. The organisation providing the on-the-job training should provide trainees a schedule or plan indicating the list of tasks to be performed under supervision. A record of the tasks completed should be entered into a logbook which should be designed such that each task or group of tasks is countersigned by the corresponding supervisor. The logbook format and its use should be clearly defined. For the endorsement of the first type rating in each Part-66 aircraft maintenance licence subcategory the completion of On the Job training is required, as stated in Part-66.A.45. This is mandatory for group1 aircraft. For groups 2 and 3 aircraft, OJT is not required if an oral examination is conducted in place of type training (Theory and Practical). If type training is conducted, OJT will again be required (GM 66.A.45). See Appendix 1 of this document for clarification. The engineer must supply evidence of completing the following for each first type in each licence sub-category: Part-147 organisation Theory training and examination Practical training and assessment Part-145 organisation On the Job training (OJT) and assessment OJT is only required for the initial type in each licence category or sub-category: For example; if a basic B1/B2 licence is endorsed with the Airbus A320 type in the B1 category and the engineer wishes to add the A320 in the B2 category, he/she will have to complete B2 related OJT representative of that aircraft and its systems. If the same engineer adds the B1.3 category to the basic licence and wishes to add the first helicopter type, he/she must complete OJT representative of that first helicopter type. Endorsement of any subsequent types in each of the categories will not require OJT. Training privileges OJT may only be carried out under the control of a maintenance organisation appropriately approved to maintain the particular type concerned – this means a Part-145 or M.A. Subpart F approved maintenance organisation. It is not mandatory for a maintenance organisation to deliver OJT but in either case, the MOE must indicate applicability. Up to 50% of the required OJT can be undertaken before the aircraft theoretical type training starts. Content At least 50% of the tasks contained in Appendix II to AMC to Part-66, shall be completed where relevant to the particular aircraft type and licence subcategory applied for. Tasks other than those in appendix II can be considered as replacements when they are relevant. Tasks should be chosen for their variety, complexity, diversity, frequency, safety and novelty etc. (AMC to section 6 of Appendix III to Part-66 item 4). Tasks should also be achievable and relevant to the aircraft type. There are no stipulations as to who creates the list, only that it is relevant to the type. The logbook should contain a statement that a record of the completed tasks or group of tasks have been selected and completed based upon their variety and complexity. It is recognised that some organisations have less exposure to more technically difficult tasks, line stations for example. Consideration should be taken for the repetition of the tasks that are available, to allow for the requisite experience to be gained in conducting safe maintenance. Substantial repetition must be considered by the surveyor and be proportionate and within reason. Where possible the organisation should detail tasks that it expects to perform on a regular basis. NOTE: It should be remembered that potential OJT participants may not have had any previous experience on the type concerned and that the only contact they have had was during Theory and Practical type training. Task completion and feedback should be observed and stated in the approved log book by the direct supervisor; who should oversee the entire task process and confirm completion in the logbook. The experience should be carried out on the specific aircraft type that is later applied for endorsement. Simulation The use of simulators in OJT should not be allowed, as the overall objective is to gain experience of conducting safe maintenance on live aircraft (AMC to section 6 of Appendix III to Part-66 item 3). OJT Assessment A final assessment of the completed OJT documentation is carried out to confirm the trainee has completed the required diversity and quantity of tasks (AMC to section 6 of Appendix III to Part-66 item 8). NOTE: This is not an assessment of the student directly The final assessment should detail a statement/confirmation that the completion of the required diversity and quantity of the OJT has been completed and that the supervisor reports and feedback (whether included in the log book or retained separately) have been completed. (See Appendix II of this document) Approving the conduct of OJT by the competent authority In order to facilitate the approval of the OJT process by the competent authority, the organisation shall produce the relevant worksheets or logbook, scheduling the list of tasks to be performed, for each type and a compliance report demonstrating how the OJT meets the requirements of Part-66. This could be as simple as a short narrative referencing the MOE procedures, Supervisors, Assessors, the 50% requirements and the regulation complied with. Alternatively organisations may wish to use a format similar to CAP 741 but this should be populated with the tasks to be accomplished and agreed with the competent authority. OJT shall cover a cross section of tasks acceptable to the competent authority. The OJT tasks to be completed shall be representative of the aircraft and systems both in complexity and in the technical input required to complete that task. While relatively simple tasks may be included, other more complex maintenance tasks shall also be incorporated and undertaken as appropriate to the aircraft type. Each task shall be signed off by the student and countersigned by a designated supervisor. The tasks listed shall refer to an actual job card/work sheet, etc. The final assessment of the completed OJT is mandatory and shall be performed by a designated assessor appropriately qualified. Source: https://publicapps.caa.co.uk/docs/33/CAP1530_Part%20145LicensedEngineerOJTGuidance%20V3%20FEB2018.pdf The post What is On-Job-Training (OJT) appeared first on AERO-Bildung.

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