Winter Garden

The winged seed of the maple illuminates my watermark leaf and leads to the mobility of plants, whose sophisticated above- and below-ground reproduction strategies were described by Maurice Maeterlinck as early as 1907. In winter, the garden shows its structures baldly. In the historical photo from 1904, there were two rows of balustrades to delimit the upper and centre garden and a wall with high pillars at the bottom in the south. Balustrades, pillars and wall stones were dismantled over decades and centuries and used in the Arolsen castle garden, at the hereditary burial ground and on the Höhnscheid estate. The nine remaining steles were erected north of the pleasure garden wall in 2012 and decorated with sculptures. The stones with small messages in the Hidden Garden are not so easy to find and the wildly twisted old quince tree has been thinned out a little. It has already produced many offshoots that bear abundant fruit in other gardens. Its bark is constantly renewing itself. The hellebores (Helleborus Foetidus) are already flowering underneath it and soon wintergreen elfin flowers and Lenzroses will be blooming again ICH BLEIBE Lustgarten art trail project (2018) with the artists Michael Zwingmann and Ilka Raupach and students from TU Braunschweig.

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Autumn Colours

The cranes are heading south. Our garden sponsors Karin and Günther Paul brought us a boot full of cuttings from their beautiful garden in Edertal-Wellen, including muscatel sage, candelabra verbena and cordial or lion's tail. In the Musée du désert , HE

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Summer Garden: Liriodendron, Linum and Linaria

In 2011 the first trees were planted in the pleasure garden art trail . In the center a Liriodendron tulipifera, blooming for the first time this year. In 2012 we sowed flax in places where later flower beds were to be. From the experience of growing Linu

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Chihuly Garden and Glass in Seattle

Geschätzte Lesezeit: 5 Minuten Nachdem Dale Chihuly eingeladen worden war, in Seattle seine Werke auszustellen, begann er einen Plan für ein 1,5 Hektar großes Grundstück auszuarbeiten. Unter Berücksichtigung der bestmöglichen ressourcenschonenden Umsetzun

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ᐅ Norwegen: Winter-Sturm auf der E6

Im Winter ist die E6 nördlich von Norwegens Polarkreis nach Mo i Rana mit Elchen, Schnee und Eis nicht einfach zu fahren. Der Beitrag ᐅ Norwegen: Winter-Sturm auf der E6 erschien zuerst auf

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ᐅ Schweden: Autobahn E4 im Winter

Reisebericht von der Autobahn E4 zwischen Stockholm und Helsingborg im Winter, der Fähre nach Helsingør und der Regenfahrt nach Gedser. Der Beitrag ᐅ Schweden: Autobahn E4 im Winter erschien zuerst auf

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