Winter Is Here – Is Your Roof Ready?

When your site is susceptible to storms of any sort, dont throw caution to the wind. Its easy to forget your roof is up there – until its caving in around you. Whether youre facing wind, winter, or whatever the elements may bring, have a plan in place and make sure your buildings roof is prepared for extreme weather. Human optimism makes us believe the worst wont come, and then it takes us by storm. Were seeing record temperatures, several inches of rain overnight, damaging winds, regional power failures, and building collapse from accumulated snow or plugged drains, says Richard L. Fricklas, former technical director emeritus of the Roofing Industry Educational Institute. Its one thing to read about these things in the local newspaper – quite another when they affect your building and its occupants. Der Beitrag Winter Is Here – Is Your Roof Ready? erschien zuerst auf ap2study.

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Is Your Roof Ready for Storms?

As this column was prepared, the Weather Channel was tracking a major snowstorm moving up the East Coast. Weather predictions like these are far more accurate today than they were just a few years ago, but our preparations for dealing with major weather e

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Winter? Winter! WINTER!!!!!

// 05. November 2014: ES SCHNEIT Kinderwindeln!!! Die Ski sind montiert, die Eisgerte geschliffen: BRING IT ON Frau Holle!!!!

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6 Factors to Assess Roof Sustainability

Through its lifecycle, a roof has a variety of environmental impacts. However, many impacts can be controlled by building owners and facility managers, resulting in lower energy costs and longer service life. Most buildings in the U.S. are under two sto

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Natürliche Gesundmacher zu jeder Jahreszeit für Wildkräutersalate und -Dipps. Im Winter nicht so reichlich wie im Frühjahr, aber sie sind zu finden. Und manches blüht sogar! Beitrag mit Bildern, hier weiterlesen (PDF) Der Beitrag Winter-Wildkräuter erschi

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Roof Crack, Couteray, Chamonix

// Cool video by Jack Geldardmade in sping 2011 when we visited Chamonix! Good to have you back Jack; hope we destroy some granite together in 2014!!! Check out his excellent blog!

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