Wo steht das alles?! Morten über sein Erstes Mal, über Frauen..?

There are two biographies of Morten HarketThe first My Take On Me in GermanThe book deals mainly with part of his career with a-ha up to the Rock in Rio concert, but also talks about his private life, his family life, his childhood, pets, butterflies and nature.And the second in Norwegian and German Homecoming HjemkomstHe talks mainly about his solo career.Conflicts with a-ha, addictionsThe songs are detailed (some of the stories behind the songs).Both biographies are interesting, my Take On Me being perhaps a little more commercial than the second.We learn for example that a-ha had the choice to make a career on the American or European music market, they could not be on two music markets at the same time, as they are Norwegian they chose the European market. (I can't remember in which book I read that , I have the two biographies mixe up in my head)Or that it wasn't Morten who left a-ha to goes solo, but it was the band that didn't really exist any more, the three of them were tired, too much pressure, too many things to put up with.I had so many problems to read the books because I don't speak German and Norwegian language.

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Cover versions of Morten Harket songs

Here is a fan cover of the song heaven's not for saints.after a few listens you can hear some surprises!For example he has reversed his voice with Morten voice...if you listen carefully you can hear Morten's own voice at the 01: 08 mnWhat do you think ab

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Azubi Can erzählt über sein erstes Ausbildungsjahr

Azubi Can erzählt über seine Ausbildung Der Beitrag Azubi Can erzählt über sein erstes Ausbildungsjahr erschien zuerst auf Bärenkälte GmbH.

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Lars Eidinger ist a-ha und Morten Harket Fan

Oh, die Unplugged-Version in der Disco ist schon gewagt!

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Allgemeine Presseartikel ab 2011 - Morten Harket

Zitat von Meeresfrau Wie kann mein Beiträge löschen, wenn man doppelt gepostet hat? Das können nur Admins und Moderatoren.(Artikel s. auch hier: RE: Allgemeines & Randnotizen)

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Allgemeines Randnotizen

https://popkultur.de/die-erfol…chen-saenger-innen-bands/ Zitat Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, wer hinter den unvergesslichen Melodien und kraftvollen Stimmen der norwegischen Musikszene steckt? Von Pop über Rock,

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