What if I told you that you could keep your STI status in your smartphones digital wallet, tucked between your Monzo and Boots Advantage Card? It might sound outrageous or incredibly futuristic, but thats the way were headed, thanks to a new STI checking app, Zults. Created to open up conversations around STIs and remove the awkwardness from disclosing your STI status with potential partners, Zults allows users to transfer their latest results to a secure, user-friendly rezults card to share with anyone, even if they dont have the app. Theyve also partnered with Sexual Health London (SHL) to bring better sexual health management to your fingertips, quite literally. But, as innovative as it sounds, whats the need for an app like Zults? First, heres some context about the rising STI rates in the UK. There were 401,800 sexually transmitted infections reported in England in 2023, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), with an increased demand for sexual health services - higher than pre-pandemic levels and rising. Experts Featured in This Article Samantha Marshall is the head of brand at Smile Makers. Georgia Di Mattos is the CEO and co-founder at Zults. Bianca Dunne is the cheif information officer and co-founder at Zults. Dr Andreas M. Kogelnik is a medical doctor and the CEO of BasisDx. Samantha Marshall, head of brand at Smile Makers, tells PS UK that the rise in STIs implies that we may be having more unprotected sex, which is sex without contraception or a barrier method, and condomless intercourse is one of the most prevalent kinds. Of the 14 methods of contraception listed on the SH24 website, only two can be used by men. And only one - condoms - is a shared responsibility and experience. When it comes to penis-in-vagina sex, condoms are also the only barrier method for STIs, Marshall tells PS UK. And while theres a demand for sexual health services, theres a 32% drop in in-person consultations, which means we are not physically going to a clinic and walking away with a brown paper bag filled with condoms, she explains. Projects like Wrapped are trying to reduce the incidence of STIs through encouraging consistent use of condoms via STI self-test websites for young people, but it seems that isnt enough as UKHSAs data proves theres been a 5% rise in STIs. Getting tested and sharing results with a potential partner - in one way or another - is key, but we understand its easier said than done. And I guess this is where Zults comes in. Image Source: Zults Zults is a tool that takes the ick out of requesting or sharing STI results, founders Bianca Dunne and Georgia Di Mattos tell us. Feeling awkward is a huge barrier preventing people from talking about sexual health and may lead to unnecessary risk-taking. Having an honest and open dialogue with a partner is of course desirable. Zults helps to break down the stigma by making the conversation fit into our modern lifestyles. We do everything on our phones - sharing money, sharing taxis, sharing friendships. Sharing our STI status this way too makes sense, they add. We asked a group of young people three things about Zults: Whether theyd use the app, if it would be assuring or off-putting if a partner sent over their results and whether they trust the Zults card. The replies show that many are on the fence, with some acknowledging the seamless benefits to quickly and easily sharing results, but most unsure of the new technology and preferring traditional forms of results sharing like intimate conversations, seeing an official report or actually going to get tested together. It can be handy to have the card at the ready, its a novelty and an aesthetically-pleasing way of sharing your results. I dont see any disadvantages to it, but I wouldnt trust it as much as an official report, one tells PS UK. But its definitely not a turn off, I always ask to see recent results before being intimate (even if its with condoms) and in my opinion, its even better if they ask first because its more reassuring that theyve been safe before you as well. Another says: It can be handy to have the card at the ready, its a novelty and an aesthetically-pleasing way of sharing your results. I like it, I see the advantages of how it removes the stigma. I see the company has spoken about pairing with dating apps which would be a great idea. Personally I wouldnt use it, I would rather go get tested with my partner. But if someone used the app to share their results with me, Id feel assured and to be honest, Id trust the app. I feel like a card like this would be harder to fake or edit, a third shares. Signing up to the app is pretty straightforward and you can customise your profile just as you would your Instagram account, by adding a picture, a chosen username and of course, your STI results. But to one respondent, theres only one feature thats really important. The Tested feature [to show when you were last tested] is really important and people should pay close attention to this, they tell us. Some STIs can take up to two weeks to show up on a test and you can be asymptomatic. Education around STIs is key to make sure youre aware of this. Dunne and Di Mattos explain that your rezults card is valid for three months from the date you were tested. After that, the card expires and the user needs to get tested again in order to create a rezults card and share it. The rezults card also clearly shows the Tested on date. Theres no excuse for not knowing your and your partners status and discussing it openly.
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