Your event is not gone: replace it with a streaming video!

Your event is still up and running: do it on remote! Online and streaming video services #top{ height:20px; } During this difficult time that affects us all and is out of our control, we at Armonica Film want to roll up our sleeves! Our goal right now is to help you solve any problem that might have come up, as a consequence of the current international health emergency in Europe. Congresses and conferences all over the continent have been recently canceled. However, this doesnt mean that you should lose all the months of hard work that went into organising your project. If you had to cancel your event, our offer is to realise a video for you, either a presentation or an explainer video, that people can watch on remote. Communication is extremely important and we have to make sure it wont be interrupted. The potential attendees at your event will not be phisically together, but they will have the chance to access all contents that you wanted to share with them. We will film your videos in studio, recording the presentations either on a neutral background or on a green screen, depending on your preferences. Once the videos are edited, we will help you share them online via one of the many platforms available. Otherwise, if you need to create an environment as close as possible to the real event, we can also offer a live streaming service. In this case, your panelists will be speaking in real time with the attendees. With this kind of video, people taking part in the live streaming will also have the chance to interact with the speaker via live chat. Our crew will be at your service with all the necessary video and audio equipment to realize the streaming video and we will take good care of you over the whole process. Specifically, our service includes: Audio and video technicians supporting you for the filming process A studio environment with a neutral background or a green screen Should you wish for it, live streaming equipment for your presentation If you are interested and would like to receive a quote, please send an email to or fill in our form. #top .hr.av-gtrl57-1686318661cf586fff46d92eec2c7777{ margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:30px; } .hr.av-gtrl57-1686318661cf586fff46d92eec2c7777 .hr-inner{ width:100px; max-width:45%; } Dont panic, go live! .flex_column.av-e15bwr-6003a2746b1ae48073f70e39f61b5817{ border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; } .flex_column.av-b406h7-cee17bb7cbb3f41bd2081a05c7d4b72d{ border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; } .flex_column.av-7y9bcr-08438a4a4fbba783c9fe24034d45d64d{ border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; } Ask for a quote .flex_column.av-4r9fuz-ffeee3acb1277c97b449bede9de80f0d{ border-radius:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; } Send an Email The post Your event is not gone: replace it with a streaming video! appeared first on Armonica Film Germany.

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