Appartementhaus Drobnik - Bad Füssing

Unser familiär geführtes Haus bietet Ihnen gemütliche Appartements, kurze Wege zu den Bad Füssinger Thermen und doch abseits vom Trubel, die Ruhe die Sie suchen.

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Glauben Sie an die kleinen Dinge

Faith is in every matter of life. The big events, and the small ones.  I was looking at old photos and I saw an image of myself, from a time before I re-found my faith. 

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Seien Sie der Wandel, den Sie sehen möchten

Learn to see differences and embrace them. It is not easy to see the world through another person's eyes, and we must strive to do that every day. 

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Setzen Sie es in die Tat um

Change your life and the world will thank you.  Use your voice and live by your actions. It is not an easy path, but it is the right one.  

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