basysKom GmbH | Innovative Software Engineering Services

Wir entwickeln plattformunabhängige Applikationen für vielfältige Plattformen. Wir setzen auf Qt, Flutter, Angular, Azure,... . Wir entwickeln Anwendungen im Kontext von Anlagen, Maschinen und Geräten im weiten Feld zwischen Smart-TV, Infotainment, Messgeräten und CNC-Fräsen. Aus Überzeugung setzen wir offene Standards und Open Source für eine nachhaltige Produktentwicklung ein.

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14 Use the power of peer reviews

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 14 Use the power of peer reviews at basysKom GmbH.

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13 Use clazy

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 13 Use clazy at basysKom GmbH.

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12 Make use of unit tests

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 12 Make use of unit tests at basysKom GmbH.

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11 Treat compiler warnings as errors

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 11 Treat compiler warnings as errors at basysKom GmbH.

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10 Use the AdressSanitizer

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 10 Use the AdressSanitizer at basysKom GmbH.

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07 Make good use of compiler warnings

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 07 Make good use of compiler warnings at basysKom GmbH.

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06 Enable security hardening flags

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 06 Enable security hardening flags at basysKom GmbH.

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05 Enable build time checks for your QML files

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 05 Enable build time checks for your QML files at basysKom GmbH.

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04 Do regular tests on the target

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 04 Do regular tests on the target at basysKom GmbH.

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03 Ci keeps your project healty

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 03 Ci keeps your project healty at basysKom GmbH.

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01 Avoid deprecated Qt

MetaParsedown Exception: Could not get the post ID. Continue reading 01 Avoid deprecated Qt at basysKom GmbH.

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Secure Connections with Qt OPC UA

Starting with the Qt 5.13 release, due end of May, the Qt OPC UA API in combination with the Unified Automation backend officially supports secure connections to servers (Sign or SignAndEncrypt message security mode). The following article outlines the ch

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Initial support for servers with historical data access in open62541

An OPC UA server supporting historical access allows clients to access historical data or historical events. Such a server can act as a process or event historian. open62541-based servers were till recently completely missing the ability to support these

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Mit OpenCV und Qt Quick trifft Computer Vision auf moderne HMI-Entwicklung

Ob beim automatischen Sortieren von Briefen, beim Erkennen von Materialfehlern in der Produktion oder bei der Vermessung: überall dort, wo Maschinen ihre Umwelt erkennen müssen, kommt Computer Vision zum Einsatz. Continue reading Mit OpenCV und Qt Quick t

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Using Shiboken2 to create Python bindings for a Qt library

With the release of Qt 5.12, Qt for Python is officially supported and can be used to write full-fledged Qt applications using Python as the main programming language. This prompted us to also take a closer look at the bindings (the Python module is calle

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