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Can Water Damage Your Cars Alternator?

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Our Recommended Tire Safety Checklist

Tires should never be neglected. The safety of your vehicle depends on it. Your car’s brakes, along with the tires, are two of the most crucial components of your vehicle. Ensuring you are driving a safe vehicle is important not only for your own safety b

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Tips for Winterizing Your Vehicle

Winter driving conditions can be hazardous due to factors such as snow and ice on the road. While it’s important that you are prepared for winter driving, it is also important that your car is up for the challenge. Follow the recommendations below before

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Why Are My Headlights Foggy?

When you drive at night, do you have a hard time seeing the road? The sun, rain, and road conditions may have taken their toll on your acrylic headlights and caused them to turn cloudy. Severely foggy headlights can reduce visibility by up to 50 percent.

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Your Brakes And Why Preventive Maintenance Helps

The brakes on your vehicle work hard every time you drive. When you slow down in traffic, stop at a red light, or must maneuver a quick hard stop because of an obstruction in the road your brakes are at work. Over time the use of your brakes causes normal

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The Biggest Wintertime Myth: That You Need To Idle Your Car Before Driving

A popular belief among car owners is that they need to let their car warm-up for several minutes before setting out on their drive. The idea behind this is to let the car’s engine get up to temperature by running idle for a few minutes, all to protect the

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As The Days Get Shorter In Framingham, MA – Check Vehicle Lights, Wipers

Most people understand the laws surrounding car headlights at night. However, many forget other circumstances where headlights are vital when it comes to driving safely and coordinating with other drivers. Fortunately, this article will cover situations (

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