Liberating Thoughts - A blog dedicated to free thinking, liberty and peace

A blog dedicated to free thinking, liberty and peace

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Gladiator 2 – A Showcase Of Why The Government Should Stay Out Of The Economy

Malta has become a popular place for film productions. Even some very large Hollywood blockbuster are being filmed here. The most prestigious movie currently being shot on this Island is the sequel of the very successful movie Gladiator, directed by Ridle

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Good And Bad Imperialism

I am against imperialism. I don’t think anything good comes out of it. Ideally, we should have many truly sovereign states. These states should be able to set their own policies without foreign interference, as long as they don’t threaten anyone. I say

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Amazon Has Got Too Large

Malta is a modern, English speaking country. It is part of the EU and the western world. Residents of Malta can enjoy a lifestyle with all modern conveniences. It is quite a pleasant place to life. Some people, however, might think that I am not fully

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A Defence Of Globalism

The world is in the process of reordering. The old world order, dominated by the west, is falling. In the passing decades, people in the west got used to seeing their own societies as superior to the rest of the world. The west was the developed world tha

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Socialism And The Wealth Of A Nation

Why are some countries poor and others are not? Many people have asked that questions and multiple theories exist. Unfortunately, the most false explanations are dominating the intellectual discussion. For some time, a fashionable answers has been that th

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Review: The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire

The 2018 documentary “The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire” by Michael Oswald enjoys great popularity. The film has over 5 million views on YouTube with most of the comments being very positive. And indeed, it is a very well made documentary that is

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Human Nature And The Covid Scam

2022 was the year where the Covid hysteria finally made room for some rational analysis. Most people had enough. In many countries, a debate has started of what went wrong. Unfortunately, Malta is not one of those countries. Here, the strategy seems to be

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Is Putin Saving Western Civilisation?

I have made it very clear that I am a big critic of western foreign policy in Ukraine. While, I don’t approve of what Russia is doing, I do believe that the west wanted this war and is doing everything to prolong it. As far as I can tell, the west is run

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Crypto Currencies Revisited – Where Will The Price Of Bitcoin Go

It has been five years since I last wrote about crypto currencies. So far they have not become worthless, so they are holding up better than I thought. Time to revisit the argument for and against them. I can see three ways crypto currencies can fail, at

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Elon Musk – From Con-Man to Free Speech Hero?

The rise of Elon Musk is unstoppable. First, he has established himself as a giant business man, building a number of large, multi-national companies. Now he has moved from being one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time, to being a selfless fighter f

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