Trespassing into History - Arcanum Urbex

Photography and history. Exploration of the Decaying Wonders of Germany. Wandering into the Unknown. Galleries and Blogs, Facts and Stories. Hacking the Urban Relics. Exploring the rotten sides of Germany and the world...

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Planning the next tour

Next friday, my wife and I are going to see the Motrhead show in Hamburg together with a friend. This friend will be taking us to the East of Germany after the show, and we'll be staying until Monday. That gives uns some time to check out some new

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New Galleries coming up!

Had a great tour in East Germany with some colleagues yesterday. We visited five objects. The first three were kind of disappointing - the Soviet base has been turned into a course for motorcycles, the mansion was locked tightly, and there were dog

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10 x 10 x 10 Photographic Approaches to Kiel's Martitime Quarter

About two weeks ago, I wanted to get inside the abandoned former Navy Remand Center in my hometown to take photos, so I asked the head of the asociation that is maintaining some of the buildings in the maritime quarter if there was apossibility to get

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