WordPress Agentur | Programmierung, Maintenance & Support - Bleech

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Enhancing WordPress Archives with HTMX and View Transitions

Introduction On a previous article, I look into the topic of programmatically filtering post archives in WordPress. Today, I will be using HTMX and the View Transitions to elevate the user experience. These technologies enable real-time filter updates

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The ups and downs of text-wrap: balance and a polyfill

Copying and pasting text from a website design to a WordPress backend rarely results in a flawless result. Designers often balance multi-line headlines, a level of detail that’s hard to replicate on a responsive website without applying clever hacks – unt

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Introducing our Figma Design Kit for Flynt

In this blog article, we will explore the benefits of the Figma Design Kit, discuss the challenges of creating design systems, and reveal how you can get started with Flynts Design Kit in Figma. Unleashing the Potential With our Figma Design Kit, we

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Website gehackt was tun?

Worst-Case-Szenario für Website-Betreiber:innen die Website wurde gehackt. Jetzt heißt es, unverzüglich handeln! Denn persönliche oder vertrauliche Daten sind in Gefahr. Damit ein Website-Hack nicht zum Albtraum wird, kannst du vorbeugen und umsichtig ha

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Website gehackt? 10 Anzeichen

Deine Website ist das Gesicht deines Unternehmens, ein Ort, an dem du Vertrauen bei deinen Kunden aufbaust und deine Dienstleistungen und Produkte bewirbst. Kein Wunder, dass Hacker es oft auf Websites abgesehen haben, um sich Zugang zu sensiblen Informat

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Programmatically filter post archives in WordPress using URL params and WP_Query

WordPress is one of the most popular CMS on the market and it is widely used to create content driven blogs and websites. A great feature of WordPress is the ability to create archive pages to list your posts and/or any custom post type of your choice. A

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