Erfassung von Backwaren als 3D Scan für Beauty Renderings mit höchsten Ansprüchen. Bereinigung von komplexen Scandaten, Remodelling zu sauberen Polygonmodellen, Erzeugung von LOD`s, Texturen und Shadern.
Haben Sie schon mal von maßgefertigten Felgen gehört? Wenn nicht, dann wird es Zeit! Neulich hatte ein Mitarbeiter von Schmidt Revolution bei uns in Geesthacht Halt gemacht, um einen 3D-Scan vom Bauraum des neuen Mercedes-AMG C43 zu machen. Was das bedeut
zum Artikel gehenChef InSpec offers the possibility to scan any type of device using community-authored compliance profiles. As InSpec needs to connect to the machines, networking and firewall rules make this task tricky in bigger environments. With the newly released tr
Detect the crack in the window (or the lambda library) before it breaks: As we have seen during the last month, also well known libraries like log4j can have previously unknown vulnerabilities. Therefore scanning your Lambda application before deploying i
With the rapid evolution of 3D scanning technology, its usage, both individually and industrially, has sky-rocketed. This advancement has resulted in the technology being made increasingly accessible to a wide range of users. On top of professional scanne
zum Artikel gehenWhile 3D scanning a plain white, shiny ceramic bowl may not sound particularly impressive to most people, any scanning specialist will tell you it is one of the most challenging objects there is, often dubbed “unscannable”. 3D scanning uniform objects can
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