AKCENTA CZ is part of the RBI group

Acquisition of AKCENTA by the multinational Austrian financial group Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) and the Czech subsidiary Raiffeisenbank a.s. was successfully completed. AKCENTA CZ thus belongs to the strong and respected RBI group.

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AKCENTA CZ Announcement

AKCENTA CZ wants to inform its clients, partners and co-workers that the company is fully managed by a professional team of managers, which guarantees that its further smooth daily operation and development is not and will not be limited in any way by the

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BEWARE of misinformation

Dear Clients, We have received several inquiries about various alarming reports concerning banks belonging to the Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) group. We would like to assure you that these are misinformation and completely false reports. AKCENTA CZ

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AKCENTA CZ - Änderung des Firmensitzes und der Niederlassung

Mit Wirkung vom 24.4.2017 ist folgende Rechnungsadresse zu verwenden: AKCENTA CZ a.s. , Salvátorská 931/8, Staré Město, 110 00 Prag 1 Ebenfalls die Anschrift von AKCENTA CZ wurde wie folgt geändert: AKCENTA CZ a.s., Nerudova Straße 1361/31, 500 02 Hradec

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AKCENTA CZ – zmena sídla spoločnosti a prevádzky

S účinnosťou od 24.4.2017 je nová fakturačná adresa: AKCENTA CZ a.s., Salvátorská 931/8, Staré mesto, 110 00 Praha 1. AKCENTA CZ tiež zmenila svoju korešpondenčnú adresu, ktorá je teraz: AKCENTA CZ a.s., Nerudova 1361/31, 500 02 Hradec Králové.

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AKCENTA CZ - Change of the registered office of the Company and its premises

Effective on 24.4.2017, the new billing address is: AKCENTA CZ a.s. , Salvátorská 931/8, Staré Město, 110 00 Praha 1 At the same time, AKCENTA CZ has also changed its correspondence address, which is now: AKCENTA CZ a.s., Nerudova 1361/31, 500 02 Hradec K

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