BEWARE of misinformation

Dear Clients, We have received several inquiries about various alarming reports concerning banks belonging to the Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) group. We would like to assure you that these are misinformation and completely false reports. AKCENTA CZ has also been a member of this very powerful financial group for almost a year now, however, like other subsidiaries of the group, it operates completely independently. Any financial flows between AKCENTA CZ and the parent group Raiffeisen Bank International are strictly controlled by the Czech National Bank. AKCENTA CZ has always been your strong and stable financial partner and this is no different in this unprecedented time of unjust war in Ukraine. You can rely on us! Your AKCENTA CZ

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Beware of fraudulent emails

Recently, we have noticed an increased incidence of false emails. If you have doubts whether it is not SPAM, do not click on the email, or contact our infoline.

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Elon Musk – From Con-Man to Free Speech Hero?

The rise of Elon Musk is unstoppable. First, he has established himself as a giant business man, building a number of large, multi-national companies. Now he has moved from being one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time, to being a selfless fighter f

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My campaign to ban ads for slimming clubs and weight loss products near kids #FreeFromDiets

I try really hard to make my home a space free from diet chat and negative body talk. It wasnt always this way, but the moment my (then) 5 year old asked why I was weighing spinach was a wake-up call. Although Id never been to a slimming or weight los

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Renovate Bot: 4 advanced tips and tricks Part II

This is part two of a series that provides tips for advanced Renovate Bot users. It gives valueable tips for writing your own regex managers, explains why and how to self-host a Renovate Bot instance, how you can reduce friction when introducting Renovate

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Potenzieller Schulleiter oder echter Finger-weg-Typ

Seine eigene Kampfkunstschule zur Traumkampfkunstschule zu machen ist ganz schön anstrengend. Wir telefonieren pro Jahr mit mehr als 50 Interessenten. Heute wollen wir erörtern, welche acht Typen von Schulleitern wir manchmal am anderen Ende der Leitung h

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