AKCENTA generated record profit last year

AKCENTA’s profit reached almost CZK 100 million last year. The financial institution successfully exploited the high volatility on the foreign exchange market and companies’ need to hedge against exchange rate risk.

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The success of AKCENTA CZ in 2016 was the result of its acquisition of foreign markets

The year 2016 was a successful year for AKCENTA CZ. Its net profit exceeded its expectations, mainly thanks to the successful acquisition of foreign markets which the company actively entered in the previous years.

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AKCENTA a realizat un profit record anul trecut

Profitul AKCENTA a ajuns anul trecut la aproape 100 de milioane de coroane. Instituia financiară a reuit să profite de volatilitatea ridicată a pieei valutare i de necesitatea companiilor de a se acoperi împotriva riscului de curs valutar.

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AKCENTA CZ Announcement

AKCENTA CZ wants to inform its clients, partners and co-workers that the company is fully managed by a professional team of managers, which guarantees that its further smooth daily operation and development is not and will not be limited in any way by the

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BEWARE of misinformation

Dear Clients, We have received several inquiries about various alarming reports concerning banks belonging to the Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) group. We would like to assure you that these are misinformation and completely false reports. AKCENTA CZ

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Raiffeisen Bank International acquires AKCENTA CZ

Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has concluded an agreement to purchase Akcenta CZ, a payment institution that executes payment and currency trade operations for exporters and importers. According to the proposed ownership structure, RBI will gain a

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