Building QuickSight Datasets with CDK - S3

AWS BI solution Amazon QuickSight provides a neat and powerful web console to handle most use cases. Nevertheless, as soon as a need for automation appears, relying on IaC can help increase productivity.

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Building QuickSight Datasets with CDK - Athena

In a previous blog post we built QuickSight Datasets by directly loading files from S3. In the wild the data in S3 is often already aggregated or even transformed in Athena. In this new blog post we see how to create a QuickSight Dataset directly relying

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Getting Started with QuickSight Analyses

AWS BI Solution Amazon QuickSight is a powerful tool to build interactive analyses or dashboards. In this blog post we will see how to get started with designing such analyses.

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Building Lambda with terraform

Building Lambda Functions with Terraform Introduction Many of us use Terraform to manage our infrastructure as code. As AWS users, Lambda functions tend to be an important part of our infrastructure and its automation. Deploying - and especially building

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Speed up Docker Image Building with the CDK

When building docker images with the CDK you might notice increasing build times on subsequent invocations of cdk synth. Depending on your setup, there might be a simple solution to that problem - using a .dockerignore file. In this post I’m going t

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Building a Serverless Webapp with Amplify and Quasar - Day 1

I was helping a customer with a Amplify App. This later turned into a meetup, where we are building a photo sorting application using AWS Amplify for the backend and Quasar for the frontend. This is the first article in a series that lets you follow along

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