Getting Started with QuickSight Analyses

AWS BI Solution Amazon QuickSight is a powerful tool to build interactive analyses or dashboards. In this blog post we will see how to get started with designing such analyses.

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Building QuickSight Datasets with CDK - S3

AWS BI solution Amazon QuickSight provides a neat and powerful web console to handle most use cases. Nevertheless, as soon as a need for automation appears, relying on IaC can help increase productivity.

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Building QuickSight Datasets with CDK - Athena

In a previous blog post we built QuickSight Datasets by directly loading files from S3. In the wild the data in S3 is often already aggregated or even transformed in Athena. In this new blog post we see how to create a QuickSight Dataset directly relying

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CDK - under Construction - should we use it for the next project?

Should we use CDK for the next project? The AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) is great - and still in beta - so the question for the next project would be: Should we use cdk or not? This post will look at the state of the cdk. Also we provide our CDK Te

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What I wish somebody had explained to me before I started to use AWS Glue

There are many components under the Glue umbrella that can fit together into a cohesive big picture. In this introduction to Glue I’m explaining my version of this big picture.

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Hello Slurm! - Getting started with High Performance Computing on AWS

High Performance Computing or HPC is coming up when thinking about analyzing models or while working at universities and other research and development organizations. In this article I will show you how to setup HPC, giving you some background information

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