Copter Testing

2019.08.01 From time to time, we have to update the software of our copter and perform a testing fly.

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Copter preparation

2018.04.20 It is our practise to check all our equipments before the shooting day. Today we are checking our Copter to make sure it is running good. What a beautiful sunny day.

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Testing Terraform with InSpec (Part 1)

While Infrastructure-as-Code slowly becomes omnipresent, many of the communicated advantages of the approach stay mostly unrealized. Sure, code style checks (linting) and even automated documentation get more common every month. But one of the cornerstone

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Testing Physical Machines with kitchen-static

Testing on Physical Machines with kitchen-static This article shows how to work with Test Kitchen on physical machines using the kitchen-static Driver. If you need to deliver a product (bundle of server and software) instead of just configuration, some ta

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CIT - Build CDK Infrastructure Testing - Part 1 - Terratest and the Integrated Integration

TL;DR You don`t need a DSL to do easy integration testing. With CDK available in go, infrastructure test can be programmed with GO packages easily.

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Airgapped Testing - VMware Edition

Recently, I got a bug report for the kitchen-vcenter driver, which allows lifecycle management of testing VMs on VMware vCenter environments. Apparently, a customer tried to create a VM without any network interface. The problem was that this crashed in a

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