Testing Physical Machines with kitchen-static

Testing on Physical Machines with kitchen-static This article shows how to work with Test Kitchen on physical machines using the kitchen-static Driver. If you need to deliver a product (bundle of server and software) instead of just configuration, some tasks cannot be run on virtual machines alone but need testing on actual hardware.

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Testing Physical Machines with kitchen-static (Part 2)

Testing on Physical Machines - Part 2 After introducing how to work with physical machines and Test Kitchen last time, we will look at a feature to allow central orchestration of available machines.

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Linked Clones with kitchen-vcenter

Linked Clones with kitchen-vcenter Quickly starting new Test Kitchen machines is one of the main concerns for getting the desired feedback cycles in cookbook development. While machines get created as a full clone by default, the kitchen-vcenter driver of

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The kitchen-ec2 Driver

The kitchen-ec2 Driver Within the Chef ecosystem, Test Kitchen is one of the most useful tools. It offers the possibility to quickly test cookbooks in different OS environments on machines with a limited lifetime. That way, you can check if your fancy rec

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Airgapped Testing - VMware Edition

Recently, I got a bug report for the kitchen-vcenter driver, which allows lifecycle management of testing VMs on VMware vCenter environments. Apparently, a customer tried to create a VM without any network interface. The problem was that this crashed in a

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Mocking data in Test Kitchen

The more complex your cookbooks, the bigger the need to supply some external information to your test machines. Passing specific attributes, values of databags or secrets for testing become necessary. We will go through these use cases and show how to moc

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